Course Information

Introduction to Information Technologies and Applications (IS100)

Introduction to Information Technologies and Applications (IS100) is a must-course for students in the first year of their undergraduate education. This course aims to introduce all METU students to basic information technology concepts and applications and make them both computer and information literate. These basic skills are expected to be used during their undergraduate studies in their respective disciplines and professional lives.

IS100 course has been offered by the Department of Information Systems in Informatics Institute since 1999. More than two thousand students are registered for the IS100 course each semester. The course is also offered on METU Northern Cyprus Campus.

IS100 lectures are mainly conducted online. All the course materials are distributed via ODTÜClass (

There are many phases including proficiency exam, registration, dropping the course, choosing sections and approvals that each student should be aware of. Please see the corresponding pages for detailed information about each phase and the FAQ page for your questions.