Aybar Can Acar, Asst. Prof. Dr. Health Informatics Room: B-206, Phone: 7707, Email: acacar[at]metu.edu.tr Fields of Interest: Information Integration, Information Quality, Data Mining, Security and Privacy in Distributed Data, Bioinformatics |
Erdem Akagündüz, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Multimedia Informatics Room: B-216, Phone: 7886, Email: akaerdem[at]metu.edu.tr Fields of Interest: Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Pattern Recognition |
Yeşim Aydın Son, Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Head of Health Informatics Department) Health Informatics Room: B-207, Phone: 7708, Email: yesim[at]metu.edu.tr Fields of Interest: bioinformatics; computational biology; genomics; GWAS microarray data analysis, genomic biomarker research, personalized medicine, medical informatics, genomics, genomics and risk susceptibilities, next generation sequencing, neurogenetics, molecular genetics |
Nazife Baykal, Prof. Dr. Information Systems Room: A-206, Phone: 7701, Email: baykal[at]metu.edu.tr Fields of Interest: |
Cem Bozşahin, Prof. Dr. Cognitive Science Room: B-208, Phone: 7758, Email: bozsahin[at]metu.edu.tr Fields of Interest: Complex Organized Behavior (Language, Action, Mind, Computer) |
Murat Perit Çakır, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cognitive Science Room: B-205, Phone: 7706, Email: perit[at]metu.edu.tr Fields of Interest: Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Human-Computer Interaction, Interaction Analysis, Groupware Design, Immersive Learning Environments, Cognitive Neuroscience of Learning |
Erhan Eren, Prof. Dr. (Head of Data Informatics Department) Information Systems Room: A-205, Phone: 7757, Email: ereren[at]metu.edu.tr Fields of Interest: Digital transformation, data-oriented organizations, big data, cloud computing, management information systems |
Banu Günel Kılıç, Prof. Dr. (Director of Graduate School of Informatics) Information Systems Room: B-220, Phone: 3741, Email: bgunel[at]metu.edu.tr Fields of Interest: Signal processing based audio and acoustic applications (separation, denoising and localization), defense and security systems, secure software development and requirements engineering, social network analysis and applications |
Hüseyin Hacıhabiboğlu, Prof. Dr. Multimedia Informatics Room: B-221, Phone: 7889, Email: hhuseyin[at]metu.edu.tr Fields of Interest: audio signal processing, spatial and 3D audio, room acoustics, signal processing theory, musical interaction |
Altan Koçyiğit, Prof. Dr. (Head of Information Systems Department) Information Systems Room: A-204, Phone: 3788, Email: kocyigit[at]metu.edu.tr Fields of Interest: Computer Networks, Software Engineering, Big Data, Machine Learning, Internet of Things |
Burçak Otlu, Asst. Prof. Dr. Health Informatics Room: B-204, Phone: 7882, Email: burcako[at]metu.edu.tr Fields of Interest: Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, Machine Learning |
Umut Özge, Asst. Prof. Dr. Cognitive Science Room: B-208, Phone: 7884, Email: umozge[at]metu.edu.tr Fields of Interest: Formal and computational natural language semantics |
Sevgi Özkan Yıldırım, Prof. Dr. Information Systems Room: A-222, Phone: 7711, Email: sevgiozk[at]metu.edu.tr Fields of Interest: Information systems evaluation, assessment and performance measurement, information systems effectiveness, information technology acceptance, social commerc, e-learning systems evaluation, e-government systems evaluation, transformational government, electronic quality evaluation, electronic-effectiveness measures, Internet related information communication technologies (ICTs), Internet related ICTs in developing countries |
Tolga Esat Özkurt, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Health Informatics Room: B-219, Phone: 7883, Email: ozkurt[at]metu.edu.tr Fields of Interest: Neural oscillations (EEG, LFP, MEG); Cognitive Neuroscience; Biomedical signal processing; Statistical signal processing; 1/f processes; Neural Networks; Pattern Recognition; Speech Processing |
Elif Sürer, Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Head of Modelling and Simulation Department) Multimedia Informatics Room: B-218, Phone: 7888, Email: elifs[at]metu.edu.tr Fields of Interest: Serious Games, Procedural Content Generation, Motion Analysis, Machine Learning, Computer Vision |
Tuğba Taşkaya Temizel, Prof. Dr. Data Informatics Room: A-211, Phone: 7782, Email: ttemizel[at]metu.edu.tr Fields of Interest: data mining, text mining, information extraction, grid computing, cloud computing, persuasive technologies, social media analytics and temporal data mining |
Alptekin Temizel, Prof. Dr. Multimedia Informatics Room: A-208, Phone: 3754, Email: atemizel[at]metu.edu.tr Fields of Interest: video surveillance, computer vision, machine learning, GPU programming |
Ceyhan Temürcü, Dr. Cognitive Science Room: A-221, Phone: 7712, Email: temurcu[at]metu.edu.tr Fields of Interest: Dynamic semantics, Cognitive semantics, Formal semantics, Pragmatics, Discourse analysis, Tense-aspect-mood categories, Philosophy of language, Problems of mental representation, Philosophy of mind, Relationship bw. logic and natural language. |
Cihangir Tezcan, Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Head of Cybersecurity Department) Cyber Security Room: A-219, Phone: 3789, Email: cihangir[at]metu.edu.tr Fields of Interest: Cyber security and information systems, cryptography, cryptanalysis, wireless communications security, blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies, parallel computing, randomness, number theory, algebraic geometry |
Özden Özcan Top, Asst. Prof. Dr. Information Systems Room: A-209, Phone: 3752, Email: ozdenoz[at]metu.edu.tr Fields of Interest: agile software development, medical device software development processes, safety critical systems development, software project management, software process improvement and software measurement. |
Barbaros Yet, Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Head of Cognitive Science Department) Cognitive Science Room: A-224, Phone: 3750, Email: byet[at]metu.edu.tr Fields of Interest: Bayesian Networks, Decision Support, Model-Based Machine Learning, Probabilistic Programming, Reasoning Under Uncertainty |
Deniz Zeyrek Bozşahin, Prof. Dr. Cognitive Science Room: A-207, Phone: 7780, Email: dezeyrek[at]metu.edu.tr Fields of Interest: corpus development, linguistic annotation, Turkish discourse (discourse relations and discourse relational devices), pragmatics and language acquisition |